
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Shall We Feed Them? by Marty Girardier

Marty's practical guide for organizing church food pantrys presents a two-fold insight into this important ministry.  She shares many inspirational stories about meeting the needs of the hungry in local communities while offering a practical food pantry guide to inspire churches and Christian organizations to revitalize food pantries in order to make them a blessing to their church body and communities.

If you're interested in this ministry for your church, Marty offers a "Food Pantry Tools" section that is based upon her successful experience.  I really loved this part of the book because it is written in an easy, concise manner that gives ideas, a food pantry action plan, a check-off list, contribution sign-up and much more. 

Quiet Time by Geoseff Obadian

The author proclaims the following timeless and important message to Christians that we must all remember daily: "The single most important thing that we will ever do in our lives will be to spend time with the Lord. If we make it the number-one priority of our life each day, our life will be blessed, we will be a blessing, and we will experience a relationship with God as never before."

The Ezra 710 series material has been field tested literally all over the world and has been recently edited with new material added. If you are passionate about serving the Lord, taking up your cross daily and following Christ as a disciple and a disciple-maker, then you simply must go through this series.

Becoming Free From The Judas In Me by Jim Gloyd

JimGloyd's book, BECOMING FREE FROM THE JUDAS IN ME, begins with the question, "how did this happen to me?  I walked with the Lord--I knew him!"  But rather than blame God or Satan for his demise as many Christians do, he continues to explain how he fell into a state of backsliding and dying from a Meth overdose. 

Through His ordeal, Jim learned how easily Satan can trick and seduce the mind if we're not entrenched in the Word of God.  While he acknowledges the age-old battle of good verses evil, he elevates our thinking to the true purpose of this battle with Satan using God's people as pawns in order to have victory over God and all of His goodness.  Find out how Jim was set free and is now thriving as a Christian pastor.

Withstanding The Winds by Charmain Griffiths

Withstanding the Winds, is beautiful, unique and life-changing!  Well-written, it covers all the issues
of life with a mix of stories, scripture, encouragement and references for each to give the reader God’s possibility for every problem humanity has had to suffer.

Charmain knows the Bible and she knows how to bring forth it’s truth cleverly through stories of possibility and God’s grace.  As she brings the men and women
heroes of the Bible to life and likens them to modern-day people, just like you and me, we see how they used God’s Word to achieve the impossible, just as we can do today.