
Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Day The World Retreated Press Release

I've got great news!  Jim Armstrong has released a new summary of his book, The Day The World Retreated, which includes the first two chapters.

I can honestly say that you will find much interest and intrigued at the beginning of his book, so by reading those chapters, you are going to see how exciting this story is.

Jim doesn't waste words nor did he begin this book with a slow beginning.  He keeps the pace strong and He keeps the reader interested enough to make it difficult to stop reading until the book is done. 

Here is the link to the PDF:  The Day The World Retreated.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jim Armstrong Interview

The Jim Armstrong Interview is now available from Full Sail Books.  I'm providing the link here.  

The interview gives the background of why Jim wrote the book, The Day The World Retreated.  He also shares what gave him the idea for the story, which is almost as interesting as the story itself.  I believe you will find it very interesting.  

You'll also learn about how he turned the idea he received into this exciting story about the current times.

I read it and loved it!  It kept me wondering what was going to happen next throughout the book.  If you're looking for a great story to take on your vacation this summer, this book will not let you down! 

Go there now!  The Jim Armstrong Interview

Monday, August 6, 2012

High Finance by Dr. Frederick K. C. Price

High Finance, God's Financial Plan, Tithes and Offerings by Dr. Frederick K. C. Price was first written in 1984 and later revised in 1995.  I read the book in 1984 when it was first published.  It served as the foundation for my financial growth.  

I was one of those Christians who believed that it was wrong to have money, yet I couldn't pay my bills.  The book helped me to understand that God wants His children to prosper financially using the scriptures to help us remain focused upon God and not our money.  This way we will never let money turn us away from Biblical virtues, yet we will have a good Christian testimony by paying our bills and having the money we need to keep our families well supplied and having more than our needs met. 

He teaches the importance of tithes and offerings and how to give them according to specific principles set forth in the Bible.  He also makes clear the fact that we don't receive a return on our tithes and offerings because of our giving, but because of our obedience, consistency of giving and faith in God.  

By having the right attitudes along with "good stewardship" any Christian can build a strong foundation of financial growth.  

I highly recommend this book for Christians who are struggling with their money and especially those who are paying tithes and offerings, but are still having money problem.