2010 Books of the Year
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This no-nonsense book deals with the subject of adultery and the devastating affects that occur not only in the cheating individual's life, but in their jobs, the lives of family members and also friends.
What the readers will discover as they delve into the pages of "No Innocent Affair" is the destructive nature of this sin that eats away a person's soul, leaving them seared from the truth of God's Word.
In this poignant book, Edward answers the questions concerning how adultery destroys the one committing this sin and denies that individual access to heaven. He also covers why salvation and repentance are such critical aspects of redeeming the individual and assuring eternal life in heaven. He also explains the difference between forgiveness and repentance.
No Innocent Affair is a resource and guide book that is strongly supported and validated by the Bible. This painful and devastating topic is laid bare before our eyes through the use of examples, personal insight and Scripture. The author makes no apologies for the awesome truth that is exposed within the pages of this book. However, these are truths that all believers and nonbelievers alike must hear, know and understand.