The Plot To Kill God
This is a book that will change lives - and save many others!
By Christian Author and Lay Pastor Edward Mrkvicka
As we near the Second-Coming, the battle between good and evil intensifies...
Published 1/11/15
Published By Outskirts Press
Christian / Social Commentary
Published By Outskirts Press
Christian / Social Commentary
- This new social commentary makes clear our responsibility as Christians to know the enemy as the battle between good and evil intensifies.

- It gives documented proof, using America as an example, that the forces of evil are winning; mainly because too many Christians and the churches they attend are going along to get along.
- The Plot To Kill God boldly discloses how many Christians stand for God -- but only in silence. If their “faith” costs them anything, they want no part of it.
Go to My Christian Book Site to read more about this unique and challenging book and to read my review.
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