
Thursday, November 29, 2012

New Book, One New Dudette

Even if I didn't know the subject of the new book, One New Dudette, I'd still want to read it out of curiosity because of the unique title.  What could it possibly mean?

Well, I haven't read much of the book yet to give a review, but from the context of the cover, it's a book for the female gender to find out how to discover their true identity in Christ by trusting God's Word.

From what I've read so far, Jeff writes in a style that anyone or Christian can understand and put to practice in their lives.  What a great way to present such important information! Sometimes well-meaning authors intellectualize God's Word and their interpretation of the scriptures, creating a wall of stiff words and uninspired proclamations in order to sound cerebral and beyond the thinking of the average Christian. 

Jesus never spoke the Word to make people feel inferior when He ministered on earth. He taught the Word in simple terms that all people at the time could understand in order to bring them into the family of God, not to show off that He knew more than they did.  

God's Word can only be understood with the heart not the head, so if you're looking for a Christian growth book that will reach your heart first in order to transform your mind to discover who you are in Christ, One New Dudette is for you!  Download a copy from 

Visit Jeff's Website

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christian Spiritual Growth Book

The new Christian Spiritual Growth book, No Shame Only Power, written by Christian author Val Newton Knowles will be released shortly.  

I'm very excited to read this powerful book that fits within the genres of spiritual growth and Christian self-help.  In "No Shame Only Power" the author offers practical steps to help you walk in the power of God, showing that from the beginning, you were born to win. 

The Apostle Paul spoke often of the power of God, and he spoke because of his personal experiences.Writing from her experience and wisdom with God's Word, Val Newton Knowles desires to help Christians learn how to use the Bible to overcome life difficulties. 

The book's publisher, Tate Publishing, will be announcing the release date soon, so as soon as I receive Val's book I'll be posting a short review here with announcements of my major reviews.  I hope that you'll check back.  

For more information about the author and her new book you can visit her website here.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Apprehended & Apprehending Book Review

Book Review Announcement For Apprehended & Apprehending by M. J. André

I'll be adding my book review for the new book, Apprehended & Apprehending on my Victory Bible Studies site.

In his book, M. J. André presents the truth about Christianity, teaching the importance of not accepting the many doctrines that don't fit with the scriptures.  The author is not afraid to speak the truth, appealing to Christians with the importance of using the Word of God to overcome the danger of misinterpreting their salvation.  
This important self-help book for Christians will reveal the truth about each reader's personal salvation and challenge them to follow God. 
I'm very much looking forward to reading Apprehended and Apprehending and will be writing my review shortly.

Go here for my review.  Visit M. J. André's Website.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Jim Armstrong Announcement

I loved Jim Armstrong’s” The Day The World Retreated.” I stated on my blog that it had one of the most beautiful endings to a story I had read.  Well, I was surprised to learn recently that Jim had actually cut the last six chapters of the book because it was 10,000 words over his budget.  This meas that there's a variation of the ending that his readers didn't get to see.   

Well, Jim just released His book on Kindle with both endings!  I read the original ending and it was amazing with more description of two very important characters.

If you've read the book you're going to want to read the newly released ending.  If you haven't read the book, then you're going to have to read it.  And right now with Jim's promotion, you can get the book for only $0.99!

Remember, the ending is spectacular! Go now to Kindle at

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Day The World Retreated Press Release

I've got great news!  Jim Armstrong has released a new summary of his book, The Day The World Retreated, which includes the first two chapters.

I can honestly say that you will find much interest and intrigued at the beginning of his book, so by reading those chapters, you are going to see how exciting this story is.

Jim doesn't waste words nor did he begin this book with a slow beginning.  He keeps the pace strong and He keeps the reader interested enough to make it difficult to stop reading until the book is done. 

Here is the link to the PDF:  The Day The World Retreated.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jim Armstrong Interview

The Jim Armstrong Interview is now available from Full Sail Books.  I'm providing the link here.  

The interview gives the background of why Jim wrote the book, The Day The World Retreated.  He also shares what gave him the idea for the story, which is almost as interesting as the story itself.  I believe you will find it very interesting.  

You'll also learn about how he turned the idea he received into this exciting story about the current times.

I read it and loved it!  It kept me wondering what was going to happen next throughout the book.  If you're looking for a great story to take on your vacation this summer, this book will not let you down! 

Go there now!  The Jim Armstrong Interview

Monday, August 6, 2012

High Finance by Dr. Frederick K. C. Price

High Finance, God's Financial Plan, Tithes and Offerings by Dr. Frederick K. C. Price was first written in 1984 and later revised in 1995.  I read the book in 1984 when it was first published.  It served as the foundation for my financial growth.  

I was one of those Christians who believed that it was wrong to have money, yet I couldn't pay my bills.  The book helped me to understand that God wants His children to prosper financially using the scriptures to help us remain focused upon God and not our money.  This way we will never let money turn us away from Biblical virtues, yet we will have a good Christian testimony by paying our bills and having the money we need to keep our families well supplied and having more than our needs met. 

He teaches the importance of tithes and offerings and how to give them according to specific principles set forth in the Bible.  He also makes clear the fact that we don't receive a return on our tithes and offerings because of our giving, but because of our obedience, consistency of giving and faith in God.  

By having the right attitudes along with "good stewardship" any Christian can build a strong foundation of financial growth.  

I highly recommend this book for Christians who are struggling with their money and especially those who are paying tithes and offerings, but are still having money problem.  

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Discover God's Plan Information Book

The book "Hey, God, Why Is It Taking So Long? by Lynette Hagin was extremely helpful to my personal situation.  I was a late bloomer in discovering my service and my purpose for God, so at times I felt as if I had "missed the boat" so to speak with God. 

However, Lynette's book explained that God works in our lives in steps, guiding us and preparing us for the special work He has given each of us.  This is why it's important to remain close to God and remain prayerful.  She also explains that just because some of us have let years go by without obeying God's will for our lives, that doesn't mean that it's "all over" for us with God. 

God continues to love us and is ready to work with us no matter how stubborn we have been or distant.  So if you're wondering what happened to those dreams you thought would transpire in your life but never did, seek God today and He will help you bring them to life.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Gatekeepers by Nathanael Wolf

The Gatekeepers by Nathanael WolfI have read The Gatekeepers by Nathanael Wolf  a number of times because I believe we can never know enough about God's purpose for our lives and because this book centers specifically upon the subject of priests and kings, a subject I wanted to know more about. In actuality the subject or Biblical term "priests" is only a secondary issue used only to describe the difference between the two and the purpose of the two. I had read other books on the subject, but I wanted more knowledge and insight.
I also read the book multiple times because I couldn't quite see the author's point that the the kings, who are designated by God to earn large sums of money for His kingdom to bring to the priests (which are the pastors or leaders of our Christian churches) are only a specific group of people in high-finance.

While I believe that God has created "priests" and "Kings" within the church, Nathanael's title of his book centers upon "The Gatekeepers" which are the men and women God has designated to make the Kingdom wealthy for the sake of the Gospel.  I believe this to be true, but I also believe that any Christian who isn't a part of church leadership can be a priest or "gatekeeper." 

While many of the men and women Nathanael is speaking about are people who are highly astute and experienced in business and finance, God's Word teaches that anyone can become a financial giant through their obedience and consistency in giving.  God can and will give financial opportunities through our faith and desire to grow in the distinct place or calling God has given each of us that is outside the realm of church leadership.  

In conclusion, I believe the book is accurate in it's teachings, however I don't believe that it's idea of a "king" or "gatekeeper" is broad enough.  I believe that we can all be "gatekeepers" if we are obedient to the Word and sincerely desire to gain wealth for the sake of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a dying world. 

Perhaps I missed the point that God has put special talents and abilities into specific persons to have a natural talent for earning large sums of money without their even practicing faith for it.  If this is true, I still believe that we can all become Gatekeepers at various levels to help support our churches.  

Read: The Gatekeepers: Whatever God Can Get Through You, He Will Get to You.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Faith, Foolishness or Presumption? by Frederick K.C. Price

Faith, Foolishness or Presumption? is especially helpful to the new Christian or Christians new to studying the Word like I was when I first purchased the book.  It was a tremendous help in my studies while I was still unsure about the Word and how to make it work for me concerning faith.

Written by Pastor Frederick Price, the book gives a unique look at faith and the way that Christians use and abuse it by not looking to the Word, but instead are either foolish or presumptuous.  Pastor Price goes into great detail about what are foolish actions concerning faith, presumptuous actions while giving a clear and precise account of what Biblical faith is from His teachings as well as his own experience.  

Pastor Price owns a large faith dome that seats over 10,000 people, however he began as a humble pastor with a small church in Los Angeles.  His continued growth in ministry and personal life is attributed to his Christian faith that to this day he still teaches.  He also has a television program called, "Ever Increasing Faith."   

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Christian Daily Devotional

I have just read the Christian Daily Devotionals from the 122 Love Letters From The Throne Of God.  This original work was written by Christian author and speaker, Nichole Marbach.  It's truly an amazing, God inspired collection of devotions that span 122 days.  

The theme of Nichole's letters is about God's unfailing and undying love for each of His children.  She clearly makes the point that we should look at our Heavenly Father as "Daddy." This is a term of endearment most Christians don't think to use for God. This could be because they feel it respectful or because they feel too distant from God.

122 Love Letters...shares one beautiful message to read each day that are Words from God given to Nichole.  She meticulously put the messages given her into this beautiful book for all Christians and anyone who is looking for the truth about God to read.  

Reading each message will empower you to move closer to God spiritually and in your daily life.  I believe this is a book that should be read over and over again.  So once you reach the 122nd day, begin again!  To obtain the book, go to my Review Page For the book at Christian Daily Devotional.  Visit Nichole's website.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Midas Touch Book Review

When the book, The Midas Touch by Kenneth Hagin first came out I rushed to purchase it and I wasn't disappointed.  It 's a great information book about the balance of money, how to regard money, and also to see clearly through the myths some churches and Christians teach about the prosperity message from a Biblical point of view.

Although I wanted to read the book, when I read it for the first time, I was distracted at the time because I was very busy.  So I waited a little while and then read it again without distraction.  This helped me to get the full impact of the book for changes in my life regarding money and to become a better steward with my money.  

From my experience reading the book I feel it important to create times for reading it so that you can get the full impact of what Kenneth Hagin is teaching and to get the principles of how to give money into the Kingdom of God correctly.  Many Christians do not receive a return on their tithes and offerings.  Pastor Hagin teaches how to give our money God's way into our churches so that He can prosper it. 

Once I received these understandings it increased my earnings and my ability to receive financial opportunities so that I would have more money to give to God and become a financial blessing.

If you're having money problems this is a great book to help you understand money God's way. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Kenneth Hagin's Bible Prayer Study Course goes hand in hand with the  Bible Faith Study Course.  I gave a review on that study a few days ago.  Now I want to share how the Prayer Study Course works for me.

First of all, both of these courses are not meant to just be read.  They are meant to be studied and applied to the every day issues that we face.  This study elevated my ability to receive answered prayer by understanding the principles and how they work with the principles of faith.

It also teaches that there is more than one type of prayer.  I didn't realize this many years ago when I would pray and not get answers. I believe that God answered prayer, but it appeared that would not answer mine.  Eventually the prayer course made it very clear that as we make our prayer requests using the correct type of prayer we will receive the results we desire.  I certianly could attest to that fact in my own life because once I learned the different prayers and their principles, I was able to receive answered prayer.

If you are having problems in your prayer life, this course will change your relationship with God and the way you understand Him and the Bible.  You will also learn how to center upon God in order to remain Christ centered and to receive God's purpose for your life.

This is also a great course for Bible Studies.  I use parts of the study for my Christian Life Coaching Course to insure that my students understand how to pray for the clients.  This is a "must-have" book for your faith library! 


God's Medicene

The book God's Medicine by Kenneth is a short little book that has powerful words for healing.  I usually keep a few copies to give to people when they're sick, but I'm out at the moment. I'll be making an order soon because the book is rich in God's Word for healing, it's quick to read and it's so small it will fit into a small pocket.  

Romans 10:17 says that faith comes by healing and healing by the Word of God.  This is where the power is for healing, but Hagin's story is also faith building.  The book begins with his healing miracle and then describes how God's Words are medicine to the flesh.  By reading the verses as often as possible, God's Word will bring healing because of the faith that is created as a result.  

I have personally used this book for many years for healing because of it's convenience.  Kenneth Hagin grouped together the Bible's healing verses to keep a consistency for developed faith over sickness, disease, mental illness, addictions or whatever it is a person needs for healing.     

Most recently my husband and I took it to the hospital when his mother's health was in grave condition and she was not expected to live according to the medical staff.  However, my husband and I prayed for her healing and then read the healing verses together while she was in the operating room.  

Her doctor and the nurses were surprised that she survived, but we knew that God's Word would see her through.  If you want get a few copies you can go direct to the Kenneth Hagin Ministries or

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Day The World Retreated

I have completed my reading of Jim Armstrong's book, The Day The World Retreated and I highly recommend it within the genre of Christian Inspiration, but it also offers and exciting mix of science fiction, mystery, and intrigue!

Aside from the story I have great respect for Jim's writing skills that at times reflect his intellectual expertise, while other parts of the story reveal his sensitive soul and deeply spiritual heart.  The Day The World Retreated is a great source of entertainment with a beautifully written Christian message that the power of faith can change the world. 

This amazing story captivated me from the first paragraph with an unusual event that takes place in Paris France in the year 1894. From the point the story shifts to California on American Flight 1289 in the year 2016 where I met the shifty, Dr. Cameron Decker who has nervously embarked upon his first excursion outside the confines of the law. Then traveling backward in time to the city of Dallas, Texas, I met the  self-destructive Carl Winters who knew very little beyond the fear of an abusive and alcoholic father as a child until a fortuitous situation gives him the opportunity for an unexpected escape.

Jim's versatile writing style shifts the story back and forth in time, switching from Carl to Dr. Decker.  Getting to know both men proved interesting to say the least, with Carl Winters my favorite of the two.  In the midst of his misguided direction there was always a little hope in me that he would catch the "brass ring" before it was too late.  Is there a bright star in Carl's future?  Will His path be lit for a brighter tomorrow?  These are questions that persisted in my mind as I continued to read the story, finally realizing the fate for this man of little value in the eyes of the world would not come in a way that that I had expected or could imagine.     

If you're looking for a book which will surprise and amaze you, The Day The World Retreated is for you.

Bible Faith Study Course

Kenneth Hagin's Bible Faith Study Course holds vital information that every Christian should study.  Faith is the key element to receiving from God, so as Christians we need to take this subject seriously and learn as much about it as we can.

I purchased the course about twenty years ago, but I still use it as a reference and for further study.  Kenneth Hagin, known for being one of the greatest teachers concerning faith and prayer, lived the words He taught from a young man, using faith to turn his circumstances of sickness, poverty, and even death around.

I have read most of the books he has written and can honestly say that without his teachings it would have been difficult for me to know where to begin my studies and how to understand what the Bible was saying.  

His Bible Study Faith Course is a serious study in what faith is, why we need faith and how to develop it within in our hears to make it continually grow for answered prayer.  We also need faith to make the changes in our hearts to transform our lives and to receive the blessings that belong to each of us.   So without faith, we cannot grow closer to God or trust Him to receive His blessings.

If you're wondering how to communicate with God effectively, Kenneth Hagin's course will lead you into becoming the Christian you need to be and help you develop a successful lifestyle in Christ.  His Bible Faith Study Course can easily be obtained if you would like to learn the principles of Christian faith.

Although Kenneth Hagin is no longer with us, his legacy of being a stickler for the Word lives on in the lives of many.  Once you study His course on faith you will discover a new life in Christ that God has been waiting to share with you.  I will soon be reviewing his course on prayer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Christian Inspiration, "Mom's In Prayer"

The new Christian Inspiration, Mom's In Prayer, ebook is free to view written from the author's heart to yours.  Realizing the need for prayer for and with our children, Christian author and life coach, Cynthia Boyer has written prayers for children and their parents to pray during difficult times.  

In the sanctuary of her heart while kneeling in prayer, Cynthia G. Boyer heard a warm soft whisper speak into her ear that sank deep into the cup of her heart; write a prayer book for children and their families. This prayer book will offer prayerful support to parents and their children in the midst of hard times. It is Cynthia’s sincerest prayer that parents will use these beautiful heartfelt prayers, one written for every month of the year, to keep their children uplifted, motivated and to enlighten every area of their lives.

What an Inspiration Cynthia is!  Her Christian growth amazes me.  She is given to writing for Christ at a  voracious level, turning out beautiful works of writing and art. I am thankful to be able to share her ebook to you from this site.     

Here is the address to view her book of prayers: Mom's In Prayer

Daily Devotional by Nichole Marbach

Announcing my preview of the book, "122 Love Letters from the Throne of Grace" by Christian author, Nichole Marbach.  I haven't read the book yet, but before I do, I wanted to share this short introduction and summary.  

Summary Written by Nichole:

122 Love Letters from the Throne of Grace is a powerful collection of prophetic words from God that unveil numerous aspects of God's heart and are nothing less than daily "manna from heaven," revealing His heart in a deep and profound way.

This book is one continuous prophetic feast and is literally page after page of edification, exhortation, and comfort straight from the heart of God and His throne of grace. There is a full size journaling page after each devotion which draws readers into deeper intimacy with Heavenly Father. These messages of grace will surely impact you!

Nichole is also a Christian speaker.

Nichole has a passion to minister God's extreme love and grace to adults as well as the youth. She shares her healing testimony wherever she goes in order to give glory to God for setting her free and impart hope, faith, and encouragement to others that healing and wholeness is theirs in Jesus Christ. Nichole also loves talking about God's goodness as well as His fun sense of humor. She longs to see the Body of Christ living the abundant life, full of the joy of the Lord. If you would like to invite Nichole to come and minister at your church, conference, youth group or other event, please fill out the contact form on her website.  Nichole

Friday, July 6, 2012

Plans, Purposes and Pursuits

Plan Purposes and Pursuits by Kenneth E. Hagin
This review is a part of my Classic Book Section. 

Plans Purposes and Pursuits by Kenneth E. Hagin, the founder of Kenneth Hagin Ministries, is a book that has been helpful in my realizing the need for Christians to do more that just attend church.
There is so much more to the commitment we made at salvation that most Christians just aren't living.  God has a plan and a purpose for every believer, but unless they make the choice to seek God's will, they will miss the best and most fulfilling life they can realize.  It's one thing to do the work of God, but are you living His will or our own?

Do You Know God's Will For Your Life?

In order to attain the greatest fulfillment in life as Christians we need to live the "special call" that God has for each of His children. It's easy to fall into our own determination of what God's will is because it's natural for us to let our will override God's. 

It takes a strong commitment for God's will to transpire in our lives based upon His plans instead of our own. That's why every Christian should learn how to seek after God's will. This book will take you step-by-step into God's very best for your life!

Plans Purposes and Pursuits Review by Margaret Lukasik.... 

     Kenneth Hagin
Kenneth E. Hagin"This book is appropriate for all Christians. Kenneth Hagin was a Christian man who I so admired -- and who I so greatly miss since His passing.  He was always a stickler for the truth about God's Word and this particular book gives a clear picture of the difference between God's will and the work of our flesh.  

He begins with the question straight from the cover of the book, "What are you going to say when you stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and He asks you, did you follow my plans for your life or your own?"  This profound book will lead you to the real you in Christ as you follow His path to your place in the Body of Christ!

To Order Plans, Purposes and Pursuits, Use the Link Below:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Christian Fiction Inspiration by Jim Armstrong

I'm excited to present another exciting Christian fiction inspiration novel.  Written by Christian author, Jim Armstrong, this action thriller promises to deliver a great story that not only entertains, but has a subtle Christian message embedded throughout the story. 

This new Inspiration Fiction Novel, The Day The World Retreated is now available!  Shortly I'll have my review of this exciting story published on this page.   However, I have his book summary listed on my website along with more information.  Visit Victory Bible Studies Book Reviews. 

Here is a short summary to give an idea of what the book is about.

The Day The World Retreated

Beginning with an apparently unrelated event in 1894, four lives intertwine across the shifting sands of time in a grand design that reaches its climax on this fateful New Year’s Eve.  An act of Divine inspiration sparks a series of events that one year later transforms the entire planet....

Read Jim's book to learn more.  It's currently available from, Full Sail Books and Barnes and Nobel. Here is a link from for your convenience: The Day The World Retreated

Visit Jim's website

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Christian Fiction Inspirational Novel

This is not a review but an announcement that my Christian novel, Dark Promises is available.  You can easily purchase the download or get a softcover copy from me.

It can also be ordered through, but I am able to keep my cost lower that what Amazon charges and I will sign your copy.  I will ship it out the day I receive your order.   So you have three choices for ordering.

For more information visit my information page at:  Dark Promises Christian Inspiration Novel

Saturday, June 16, 2012

God In America

God In AmericaBy Sylvia Huffnagle

Quotes and important documents from those who helped forge this great land and much more. 

Here is part of a summary about this unique book:

God in America Description

God in America is made up of early American document selections that show: the importance that God’s input has had on America, that the indisputable fact that Christianity had a tremendous impact and influence on early America, that God had a hand in the creating of our great constitution, the true meaning and intent of Separation of Church and State.

Body of Release The selections are from William Federer’s American Minute. The paperback is only 117 pages, but it is chock full of interesting quotes from those who helped forge this great land, of bits of early American history, and excerpts from state constitutions and other historical documents.

3 Examples: 1. CONSTITUTION OF VIRGINIA, June 29, 1776 (written by James Madison and George Mason): BILL OF RIGHTS, SECTION 16.

That religion, or the duty which we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Science Fiction Paranormal Novel, The Unwanted

                               Enjoy This Unusual, But Engaging Book!

The Unwanted, the first book in the G-6 Chronicles Series, is a new genre for me to read and review, so I was very interested and excited to try something new. 

The author, Daniel Carter is a Christian author, so as I began my journey into this science fiction paranormal novel I believed that the story would not lead me into any dark places I would never want to visit.  It certainly delivered.  Not only was the story exciting, but the virtues of Christianity were carefully and cleverly intertwined within the character's lives.  

I have just completed reading "The Unwanted" and loved the action!  The story was exciting from page one, leading me from a mysterious explosion in New York to the hidden back woods of a ranch in Oklahoma where five babies were taken refuge from the threat upon their lives.  As the children grow, each experience strange and unique characteristics that set them apart from society.  What happens as a result of their unexplained existence, make the rest of the story absolutely riveting.  Go to my complete review here: The Unwanted Review page.

I'll give a short summary from the author to give you an idea of what the book is about. I love mystery's so the story has already captivated me. Also, I want to make note of Daniel's book cover and website. His book cover really stands out to me and his website is quite an artistic mix of bright color against a dark background. It also includes a plethora of information about the books in his series. You may be interested to visit. Here's the link to his site.
The Unwanted

Here's The Summary:

- An explosion shatters the night sky...

Smoke and flames erupt over the city of Chicago. FBI Agent Nick Catlin watches helplessly as their only lead straps on a glider and leaps off a high rooftop, soaring toward Lake Michigan. They've lost him, again. The crime scenes always fit the same pattern--five babies are among the casualties. Fourteen months later, though, in New York, no infant bodies are found. Nick's gut tells him the killer was somehow interrupted in his work and won't stop until he tracks down those children and finishes what he started. Oklahoma rancher Leigh Barrus is barely making ends meet when his estranged niece, Janet, shows up at his ranch with five babies in tow. The terrifying tale she tells him about genetic experiments is only the beginning of the shocking truths. Keep a look out for my review. I'll be posting it shortly under the category of "Book Reviews."

Check for my completed reviews for this fantasy SciFi/Paranormal novel at:  My Christian Book Reviews: The Unwanted by Daniel Carter
and Christian Sci/Fi Paranormal

Friday, May 11, 2012

Novel Review For "Convicted" by Tim Hughes

Christian Fiction Adventure/Thriller  Now Available!

My review of this exciting Christian Fiction Adventure Thriller is now available.  Go to:  Christian Money Growth Book Reviews/Tim Huges


Summary of "Convicted"

"Convicted" is the first book in a series of stories inspired by the parables of Jesus. The Impact Series focuses on the impact each of us has on the people we interact with every day. As Christians the light of Christ shines through us, often despite our best efforts to snuff it out. If we learn to trust God and listen to his promptings, we can and will have a positive impact for Christ.

Join our hero, Declan Elliot, as he struggles to survive the brutalities of America in 2025. On the way home from work one evening, Declan's life changes forever. The night's events thrust him headlong into a perilous journey fraught with murder, catastrophic weather and out of control crime. In this 21st century retelling of the classic parable of the Good Samaritan, Declan battles to overcome rejection, betrayal and a high powered politician who will stop at nothing to see him dead.

With his faith tested and his spirit under attack, how will our hero respond?  Find out by purchasing the book or learn more by reading my review

Check with for the Kindle Version: 


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Christian Fiction Review

I'm Saved, Now What?...Discovering The Keys To Abundant Living by Margaret Wesley

 Christian Fiction Book Review For "I'm Saved...Now What?" by Margaret Lukasik

From the first page of this delightful Christian fiction novel I was already caught up in the story because of its unique beginning. It's subtle narration quietly lures the reader into believing that there is much more to the story than just a plot and a happy ending--and it delivers!

The main character, Mikayla Daniels, in spite of her shallow upbringing, is a likable young woman.  Yet she characterizes many of the typical outward goals of today such as having a good looking man that makes a good living no matter what his values, the best of everything that money can buy and a moral attitude that allows her to sacrifice love for relationships based upon sex.  While possessing qualities and abilities most women admire, her vulnerability captures the readers heart as she goes from one bad decision to another until her heart is stirred by the message of Jesus Christ.
One can't help but love her as she strives to follow Christ and please her Christian friends while continuing to hold fast to her old life.  As the story unfolds she loosens her grip to hold tighter to God's Word, a new business and a multifaceted blessing which promises new life and new beginnings.

Throughout the story I couldn't help but cheer Mikayla and her friends in their quest to serve God and put Him at the center of their lives.  This to me was the most important message in Margaret's story that subtly teaches the reader two very important facets to Christianity: how to put God first and how to live the exciting dreams that God put into every believer's heart at salvation.  When you read the story you will learn how to move forward with God while enjoying every minute of the experience!

Throughout my journey into Margaret's book I was assured that she is indeed living God's will in her own life and she understands how to make the scriptures come alive for others. She is obviously God motivated and guided to write a novel that is a real story, yet she teaches without being "preachy!" More amazing is the end of the book, Discovering The Keys To Abundant Living which teaches God's Word in relation to the story with profound accuracy and clarity.  

If you're looking for a good Christian book that entertains with a bonus feature of teaching the keys to living your most fulfilling life, or you want to share quality reading with a young woman or man in need of Christian guidance, look to "I'm Saved...Now What?" I promise this is a book you will never forget!  

Go here for my complete review.

Website:  MH