Saturday, September 1, 2018
Friday, January 6, 2017
Establish Me By James Nyemah
Open My Blog Post To View The Video Review Of "Establish Me" By James Nyemah
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
A New Christian Mystery and Suspense Story!
A Corporation Of Angels
I love mysteries and and the new novel by James H. Barrett Jr., A Corporation Of Angels offers a new twist on the story between good and evil.
If you'd like to read my review, watch the short video below. At the end, it has a link that leads to my complete review and more information about the unique book! Or see the link below!
Have fun!
Go To Life Purpose Books For More Information:
Friday, October 30, 2015
Mary's Christmas Story by Lucinda Weeks - Discover Your Life Purpose Books
I've just completed my review of "Mary's Christmas Story." Until I read this exciting and engaging story, I had never pondered the difficulties Mary had to face or the faith she needed to believe that God would move Joseph’s heart to not only embrace her story but also share in the upbringing and protection of Jesus. And it was also very exciting to see the birth of Jesus from Mary's point of view and understand the many laws that made it so difficult to be His mother. Click below to read my complete review.
Mary's Christmas Story by Lucinda Weeks - Discover Your Life Purpose Books
Mary's Christmas Story by Lucinda Weeks - Discover Your Life Purpose Books
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Marys Christmas Story
Mary's Christmas Story by Lucinda Weeks - Part III Of The Women Who Met Jesus Series
I've almost completed reading "Mary's Christmas Story" by Lucinda Weeks and it's one of the most compelling stories I've ever read. It's an amazing account about what Mary the mother of Jesus may have felt and experienced concerning her unique experience of giving birth to the Messiah and raising Him. This is truly a great Christmas story and story for all times that inspires the heart to be a true follower of Jesus and to always pursue and reflect God's love in whatever we do!
Mary's Christmas Story by Lucinda Weeks - Discover Your Life Purpose Books
Monday, September 7, 2015
The Adulteress - Women Who Met Jesus
The Adulteress - Women Who Met Jesus Volume 1
I've just completed my book review of the Christian novel, The Adulteress - Women Who Met Jesus by Lucinda Weeks. It was an exciting journey to walk with Jesus during His ministry and to learn of what it was like to live during that period from the experience of Adina, the main character in the story.Adina, a young women barely into her teens finds herself forced into a life that leads her into a life of misery. Far from home and her only love, she must find a way to deal with her much older and cruel husband who she was forced to marry because of her father.
In time she finds herself branded as an adulterer and at the feet of Jesus Christ waiting for Him to decide her fate while the crowd is screaming for Jesus to accuse her.
The story is mixed with true stories from the Bible which make it even more captivating and exciting. I recommend this book to every Christian!
Go here to read my review on my site or on where her book can be purchased.
About The Author Lucinda Weeks:
Lucinda has been writing fiction as a hobby since she was eight. She wrote as a ghostwriter for national magazine's and websites. She has been a Christian believer in Jesus Christ for more than thirty years. She began writing Christian fiction as a way of sharing Christ's love and to share with others the talent God gave her to write. She strives to write in a way that glorifies Christ first of all and to show his divine love and mercy.
The Adulteress - Women Who Met Jesus Volume 1 - Discover Your Life Purpose Books
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Losers Like Us - Redefining Discipleship After Epic Failure
I highly recommend Losers Like Us! It's a book that reflects the warmth of the author's character with just the right touch of humor throughout his story. But what I found most inspiring was the depth of his honesty and vulnerability to share his past failures and mistakes. The strength of his character literally builds throughout the book demonstrating that out of adversity comes great spiritual success! Christians need to examine their failures and mistakes from a Godly point of view rather than worldly in order to see them as opportunities to draw nearer to God and this is what Daniel has learned to do. This is an inspiring book for all Christians, but especially for those who believe they're just too flawed to be used by God.
Use the link below to read my review:
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
The Truth About The Book Of Job
By Joyce Taiwo
God's love for us is unfailing and He never changes. For years we have been led to believe that God asked the devil this
question - "have you considered my servant Job". After which He gave the devil permission to go and destroy all that Job had.
Well this book will reveal the truth of what God really said which is not what we have read for years. It will make you fall in love with God all over again.
This book answers important questions about God, the Book of Job and Satan. It will free you to enjoy the blessings of God prepared for us in Christ Jesus. To learn more about this exciting book and to read my review use the link below:
JOB - GOD'S TRIAL OR SATAN'S ATTACK? - Discover Your Life Purpose Books
Plot To Kill God
The Plot To Kill God
This is a book that will change lives - and save many others!
By Christian Author and Lay Pastor Edward Mrkvicka
As we near the Second-Coming, the battle between good and evil intensifies...
Published 1/11/15
Published By Outskirts Press
Christian / Social Commentary
Published By Outskirts Press
Christian / Social Commentary
- This new social commentary makes clear our responsibility as Christians to know the enemy as the battle between good and evil intensifies.

- It gives documented proof, using America as an example, that the forces of evil are winning; mainly because too many Christians and the churches they attend are going along to get along.
- The Plot To Kill God boldly discloses how many Christians stand for God -- but only in silence. If their “faith” costs them anything, they want no part of it.
Go to My Christian Book Site to read more about this unique and challenging book and to read my review.
Visit Edward Mrkvicka's Website | For Reviews and Edward's Other Books, Go To
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Lessons Of Life Inspirational Writing Video Review
Lessons Of Life - The Path To God Video by Ron Millicent
Watch this video review by Margaret Lukasik
Lessons Of Life Inspirational Writing
Watch this video review by Margaret Lukasik
Lessons Of Life Inspirational Writing
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Video Sketch Software Easy Sketch Pro
Easy Sketch Pro Is The Best Video Sketch Software! It's Easy To Use And It Stands Alone! But it goes beyond sketch with many beautiful effects.
What more can be said about Easy Sketch Pro? There is no need to purchase other expensive video software for use or to create great
videos. The software included everything you need! Once you pay the one-time inexpensive price, that’s it. The software includes everything you need!
Video Sketch Software You Cannot Live Without!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Scriptural Money Growth Solution
Discover Your Financial Breakthrough With The Christian Money Growth Bible Study
Monday, September 1, 2014
Lessons Of Life - The Path To God

By Ron Millicent
The book is a creation of introspective thoughts, ideas and wisdom from the author, Ron Millicent. His goal is to target the person who was/is not
easily recognizable as spiritual. He dedicates his book to those who are more silent about their belief in God's Word. Click on the link below to learn more and read my review.
Lessons Of Life - The Path To God
Successful Habits By Ron Millicent

By Ron Millicent
The author wrote Successful Habits after being dismayed about all the publicity given to "The Secret" and various renditions of the Law of Attraction. The truth – as the author see it – is that the "secret" is really no
secret at all. The most ancient writings tell of it – as well as the Bible. Actually the Bible is full of these "secrets." Click below to learn more.
Successful Habits
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
God's Will For Our Daily Lives
The Christian growth book, GOD'S WILL FOR OUR DAILY LIVES is an exposition of Christ's sermon, which affirms His teaching as God's will for His subjects' daily lives.
Not only does it clearly define Christ's commands, and concisely explain every aspect of His teaching, including our spiritual development, duty, righteousness, holiness, and justification, it also affirms Christ as our complete salvation and the supreme authority. Simply put, it is the must-have book for everyone who has a genuine desire to know and understand God's will for their daily life.
By William Luke. God's Will For Our Daily Lives
Not only does it clearly define Christ's commands, and concisely explain every aspect of His teaching, including our spiritual development, duty, righteousness, holiness, and justification, it also affirms Christ as our complete salvation and the supreme authority. Simply put, it is the must-have book for everyone who has a genuine desire to know and understand God's will for their daily life.
By William Luke. God's Will For Our Daily Lives
Friday, August 8, 2014
Sky Pilot Of The Great Lakes
"Sky Pilot Of The Great Lakes" By John Kotzian Is An Amazing Historical Account Of The Lighthouse and Saving Stations In That Area.
Have you ever dreamed of visiting every Lighthouse and Life-Saving station on the Great Lakes? The Reverend William H. Law did just that and more in the early days of the twentieth century.
Rescued by a U.S. Life-Saving Service crew on Lake Huron in 1900, Law dedicated his life’s work to serving the men and women stationed at Light and Life-Saving stations throughout the United States. Use The link below to read my review of this exciting book that you'll never forget!
Sky Pilot Of The Great Lakes
Have you ever dreamed of visiting every Lighthouse and Life-Saving station on the Great Lakes? The Reverend William H. Law did just that and more in the early days of the twentieth century.
Rescued by a U.S. Life-Saving Service crew on Lake Huron in 1900, Law dedicated his life’s work to serving the men and women stationed at Light and Life-Saving stations throughout the United States. Use The link below to read my review of this exciting book that you'll never forget!
Sky Pilot Of The Great Lakes
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Book Promotion Newsletter
Book Promotion Newsletter For New Self-Published Authors by Margaret Lukasik
Sign-up for regular mailings of my Book Promotion Newsletter that includes tips, strategies, graphics and links to important tools that will help you promote your book on the Internet quickly, easily and inexpensively or free. You can unsubscribe at any time.
You'll also receive announcements about new products that can help you and news about scams that hurt your promotion budget and cause discouragement.
See my video below and click on the video link to go to my subscription page.
Book Promotion Newsletter
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Where Is God?
By Rev. James Nyemah
Rev. James Nyemah asks the difficult questions about God and life. If God is such a loving and caring father, why does he allow bad things to happen to good people, including Christians? Why do Christians experienced evils like those who do not know God when the Almighty, All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Present God is their God? Why do bad things happen to good people?
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Christian Money Growth For Good Stewardship

Experience Christian Money Growth
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Christian Prayer Guidance
Christian Spiritual Growth, Prayer Success and Inspiration
Fortis Momentum By Chris Downs
This is a book that will help you strengthen your relationship with God! As the cover says, it's "A Spiritually Inspirational Self-Help Book of Prayers, Meditations, Thoughts, and Strategies for Christianity."As an easy-to-grasp guide it gives clear understanding that fits with your unique way of living. It can help you grow closer to God, expand your insight into living, guide you in overcoming life's battles, and enable you to help others, as well. To learn more about this totally unique book that I highly recommend reading, go here:
Fortis Momentum
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Live Your Divine Purpose
Discover God's Will For Your Life
What Were You Meant To Do With Your Life? Why do you hate your job or career?Discover Your Life Purpose God's Way and partake in the kingdom living reality by centering upon God first! Understand and receive your kingdom blessings to serve God and live a successful Christian lifestyle. Just click on the link below to learn more.
Discover Your Life Purpose
Monday, May 12, 2014
Book Promotion For Christians
Get Your Book Known On The Internet
I’m introducing my Christian Book Promotion Services to Christian authors who haven’t yet developed an online presence and need help getting started. If you didn’t already know, it’s imperative that Christian authors get known on the Internet. But just knowing this fact isn’t enough. You need to know what to do about it!
Watch This Fun Video:
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Christian Inspiration
Christian Inspiration Book "The Clouds Of Heaven"
The Biblical scripture and writings in this inspirational book will give you a sense of peace and wonderment.The Clouds of Heaven is for all levels of Biblical understanding. Get strengthened while you become illuminated with God's Word within your heart to growt your faith.
To learn more go to: "The Clouds Of Heaven"
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Christian Empowerment
Conquering Fear In A Dangerous World
Conquering Fear In A Dangerous World
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Slam The Door On Cancer
Taking Control Over Your Health!

Slam The Door On Cancer
Monday, April 14, 2014
Prezi Presentations - Life Purpose
Slide Presentations That Can Be Turned Into Video
I’m going to start using it for my books as well. Users claim that it has increased their sales for products so I thought this could work great for books. My presentation is brand new and I haven’t promoted it yet, but I’ll let you know. In the meantime, you may wish to create one of your own.
Use the link below to learn more and view my presentation to see how this free software works.
Prezi Christian Book Promotion Services Presentation
Christian Book Promotion Services Prezi Presentation By Margaret Lukasik
Christian Book Promotion Services Presentation
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Christian Divorce Wars Video Review
A great addition to add to your Christian book list is “Christian Divorce Wars – A Biblical View” by Dr. Sharon Smith – Koen. I read the book and have found it to be a unique offering of what a Christian marriage is from a Biblical point of view and how to regard divorce.
Christian Divorce Wars Video Review
Christian Divorce Wars Video Review
Sunday, April 6, 2014
God's Strategic Plan
About God's Strategic Plan By Robert V. Fullerton

Thursday, March 27, 2014
Against Starlight, A Book Of Christian Inspiration Poems
I’m thankful to share a new collection of Christian inspiration poems
titled “Against Starlight” by Anton Knox Elder. They were written
during times spent with the Lord a number of years after a severe car
accident he had in 1993 which produced short term memory loss and
chronic pain. Through prayer, endurance and healing, Anton’s ability to
write poems as he had once done since a child began to flow. Click below to learn more...
Against Starlight, A Book Of Christian Inspiration Poems
Against Starlight, A Book Of Christian Inspiration Poems
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Financial Freedom Christian Growth
Christian Money Growth For Increasing Your Money God's Way!

Through my special offer, you're also going to get reference information that will help you grow your money while you grow closer to God.
Christian Money Growth Special Offer
Click on the following link to learn more...
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Talmid – The Book Of John Video Review
Talmid – The Book Of John is the first novel of author Author Will Sander and I certainly hope not the last. His new Christian Historical Fiction Book is a masterpiece of writing in the time period of first century Israel. The story is captivating and historically correct.
Christian Divorce Wars - A Biblical View
Christian Divorce Wars - A Biblical View by Dr. Sharon Smith - Koen
There is a war going on in the Christian realm, and conservative churches across the nation choose to ignore and avoid; hoping the turmoil will subside, if we just pretend it does not exist.
Christian Divorce Wars - A Biblical View
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Fearless A Journey To Financial Peace
This is a story I believe can be helpful to many people because money
has a strong affect upon all of our lives. N. M. Elliot was no exception
due to the anxiety over money put upon her as a young child and other devastating issues that related to money such as finding her brother dead from a financially motivated suicide.
Fearless A Journey To Financial Peace
has a strong affect upon all of our lives. N. M. Elliot was no exception
due to the anxiety over money put upon her as a young child and other devastating issues that related to money such as finding her brother dead from a financially motivated suicide.
Fearless A Journey To Financial Peace
Monday, March 17, 2014
Divine Towels
Christian Fiction Story Divine Towels
This is a fictional story set in modern times that offers a powerful message from Jesus that all Christians must learn. The story begins with Jesus asking Ethan and his mother, Claire, to do a very special mission for Him. He wants them to open a nonprofit store, called Divine Towels, where people have their feet washed. Use the link to learn more about this inspiring story.
Christian Fiction Story Divine Towels
Weapons For Victory
Paul describes the warfare Armor in Ephesians 6:10-18 that is provided to every believer. The author, Dr. Sharon Smith-Koen, gives a vibrant account of how she used the Weapons for Victory to gain access to Satan's camp, retrieve her stuff that was stolen, and walk away in victory. The book is clearly based upon God's Word, as she shares the tools of God's Word needed to prepare for deployment, face it head on, and emerge a winner every time.
Weapons For Victory
Weapons For Victory
Friday, February 28, 2014
Christian Historical Novel Talmid The Book of John
Christian Historical Fiction:
This is an exciting story about a twelve year-old boy named John who has a gift to memorize Scripture quickly. His talent comes to the attention of the local priests and together they deal with a stranger who has come to their town, a man called Yochanan the Immerser. He is baptizing townspeople in the local river in defiance of the established religious order.As they successfully silence this “prophet,” another even more formidable opponent from Natzeret comes to town, and takes John and his long established friends from their small town to Herod's Palace, Yerushalayim and finally to a small hill called Gulgota...
Monday, February 24, 2014
The powerful Cross Of Jesus
Discover The Secret Key Of The Cross
From the first lesson of this book you will be led to making a complete change in your life rather than reading this short but easy to read Christian guide and then
forgetting about it. The Key will change your life today because it gives you the power of the cross to live daily.
The power of the cross is a lifestyle based entirely upon scripture, not a catchy phrase that's meaningless. The cross of Jesus Christ will bring power to your life if you learn how to take it by faith. I will show you how to do that RIGHT NOW!
Use the link below to get the PDF download or Kindle version from
Successful Christian living
Monday, February 17, 2014
Discover and Develop Your Divine Purpose
Discover and Develop Your Divine Destiny

I’m excited to announce my all new Destiny and Discovery book to help Christians discover their life purpose NOW. So many Christians get confused looking at worldly information they have come to believe God’s will for their lives can be discovered and developed like going to a school or university counselor to learn what career they should choose.
Click below to learn more...
Discover and Develop Your Divine Purpose
Monday, February 10, 2014
Part 5: Successful Christian Living Video
A Short Lesson In Kingdom Living
It's important to know who you are in Christ so that you can walk with Him and following His ways. Even greater, you'll learn how to share Him with others.
Based Upon The Classic Bible Study, Christian Money Growth.
Friday, February 7, 2014
The Well Watered Life by Todd Shuler
The Well-Watered Life
Hello Everyone. The Well-Watered Life by Todd Shuler is free. Idon't know for how long as I wasn't notified about it. But this is agreat book that gives reference to Abraham and his descendants. He
discusses their successes and problems to give us a means of instruction for our faith today.
Go here directly:
His Book Review Page:
The Well Watered Life by Todd Shuler
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
God's Prosperity Message
The Midas Touch Bible Study
What Does God's Word Say About Prosperity? Find out the truth! All that glitters is not always gold! We need to look at money through God's Word, not the world!
I used the information from the Midas Touch in my own life to develop what I had already learned about financial growth and good stewardship. It gave me a great understanding about "God's Money" and the responsibility we have to perpetuate what God has entrusted us with to make it prosper for the sake of the Kingdom.
God's Prosperity Message
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Christian Author Sales Pages
Christian Author Sales Pages To Share Christian Life Purpose Books, Studies and Services from Christian Authors:
Christian Author Sales Pages
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Money Growth God's Way
Learn How To Live God's Kingdom Living Blessings
Christian Money Growth For Financial Increase or Debt Relief God's Way!
Video Book Promotion
Custom video book promotion...
Extend your book promotion with a video that gives a short, but exciting program about your book, you, and a recommendation from me. Use the link below for details.
Video Book Promotion
Extend your book promotion with a video that gives a short, but exciting program about your book, you, and a recommendation from me. Use the link below for details.
Video Book Promotion
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Christian Book Promotion Programs
Christian Book Promotion Since 2010 by Margaret Lukasik
My programs are based upon over 30 years of my book, product and services sales experience, in writing, promotion, reviews, teaching, ad creation, sales letters and teaching of the same.
If you have a book, ebook or Kindle book that will help others live God's will or discover ways to attain their goals, be healthier, or overcome specific issues, you've come to the right place! Use the link below for my Christian Book Promotion Services.
- Margaret Lukasik
Life Purpose Christian Promotion Programs and Services
My programs are based upon over 30 years of my book, product and services sales experience, in writing, promotion, reviews, teaching, ad creation, sales letters and teaching of the same.
If you have a book, ebook or Kindle book that will help others live God's will or discover ways to attain their goals, be healthier, or overcome specific issues, you've come to the right place! Use the link below for my Christian Book Promotion Services.
- Margaret Lukasik
My programs are based upon over 30 years of my book, product and services sales experience, in writing, promotion, reviews, teaching, ad creation, sales letters and teaching of the same.
If you have a book, ebook or Kindle book that will help others live God's will or discover ways to attain their goals, be healthier, or overcome specific issues, you've come to the right place! Use the link below for my Christian Book Promotion Services.
- Margaret Lukasik
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
The Peace Of Jesus Christ
Achieve Successful Christian Living By Looking To Jesus and "Resting In Him" For What You Want or Need!
Don't make the mistake of looking to yourself to live the blessings that belong to you through Jesus Christ. Look to Jesus as you trust in God to answers.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Your Testimony
If you need help putting your story together in a way that will plant seeds for Christ in the hearts of those who hear it, "Your Testimony The Second Greatest Story Ever Told" is the perfect Bible Study that will get your message across in a way that will be a blessing again and again!
Your Testimony
Your Testimony
Christian Sales Letters For Authors
I've Been Helping Christian Authors Since 2010, Now It's Time For Me To Help YOU!
If you’re a Christian author you need to use Christian Sales Letters For Authors to more effectively get your message to the right audience. This is an extremely important part of your book promotion process that will actually help you grow your audience FASTER and make a great deal more money per book the way I do. This will also allow you to write more books and budget more money for their promotion as well.
Receive the benefit of...
1. My sales letter experience.
Many people can write, but they haven't been trained how to write in
order to generate book or product sales. I'll help you over time earn a
growing stream of income from your books right from my site and yours.
And you'll get the full amount of your book price as the money will go
straight to your PayPal account.
2. My sales experience with Christian and self-improvement books. I
know how to write within these genres and have successful experience
for selling my own books and services to persons all over the world
since 1981.
3. I never stop promoting your sales page and other information.
Unlike other programs, I insure that the books I promote fit with the
theme of my websites so that your information will get continuous
attention just from my visitors alone, not counting the promotion
efforts given. And I have over 5,000 subscribers (growing daily) who
will be interested in the regular blog posts I will make for your book
and that lead to your sales letter. Blog posts written correctly and
with SEO are important in the effort of generating book sales as well.
This is not something you'll get from other programs.
fact, other promotion programs take every genre of books that are
submitted to them so that the traffic they generate is usually for the
more popular books that are not Christian oriented, leaving Christian
authors to do their own promotion of their page or pages without
knowledge of what to do.
don't want the book authors in my program to feel that they're all
alone in what can be a difficult, expensive and tiring project that
never seems to get the results they're hoping for. Take a another look
at how my program will give you direction for promotion and a means of
getting your book known in a variety of ways through compelling sales
letters and other successful efforts.
I'm sure you have many questions about my exciting program to promote your book through my Christian Sales Letters For Authors Promotion Program. I'll be happy to discuss my program with you by phone if you live within the United States and by email for anyone outside the US. Just click on the link below:
Christian Sales Letters For Authors
Monday, November 25, 2013
The Cure-Prescription For Life
The Cure: Prescription For Life by Steve Byrens
The author gives the analogy of Jesus laying out principles that work much like a doctor diagnosing cancer. He demonstrates the vast difference between the heart of God and the heat of man, revealing both the depth of our spiritual sickness, as well as the folly of trying to live without God.
Just as a person who has cancer, it’s not until they receive their diagnosis and accept that they have a terminal disease, that they become willing to take necessary steps for finding “The Cure” for healing.
This new Christian living book explores the important spiritual truth that once we accept the reality of God’s diagnosis, the only hope of getting better is “The Cure” that Jesus offers.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Christian Author Sales Pages
Let Me Help You Get More Attention For Your Book!
My Sales Letters For Christian Books Promotion Program Will Give Your Book More Visibility
For each book or series of books I use a combination of a sales letter for the purpose of exposure and getting sales, graphics, page layout and design as well as the use of a PayPal download link. The sales page will be located on two of my high exposure websites. The exciting part is that you will receive full price for your book or books
This book Will Take Your Book To the Next Level Of Growth!

- Margaret
Sunday, October 13, 2013
CrossCurrents Making Sense Of The Christian Life
CrossCurrents Making Sense Of The Christian Life will help you look at the scriptures according by the Spirit of God. This new Christian living book gives a bold critique of contemporary acceptance of the declining Christian ethic which has given way to a lower standard for Christian scripture and understanding of God from a Biblical point-of-view instead of man’s interpretation.
CrossCurrents Making Sense Of The Christian Life
CrossCurrents Making Sense Of The Christian Life
Christian Action Adventure Novel Quest For Light
Christian Adventure Novel By Bryon Anderson
Quest for Light is based on scripture and historical accounts of the era. The story brings the Magi to life as we join in their harrowing adventure across Persia in search of the one, true God.This was an amazing book to read with much going on to keep the story exciting and always moving forward. It’s also important to note that it’s Biblically and historically correct.
Whether a Christian or not, if you love adventure you’ll love this story, but that’s not all it offers! It’s filled with adventure, spiritual enlightenment, and moral advice. All readers will appreciate the author’s attention to detail making the characters and situations come to life. Although a book of fiction, once into the story it seems as if the trip happened just as written!
Go Here For My Complete Review Of The Action Adventure Novel Quest For Light
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Christian Inspirational Fiction
Dreaming Of A Father's Love by Sharon A. Lavy
In the rich farming cradle of the of the Ohio Valley, a peaceful
lifestyle seems possible. Highly likely even. At least on the surface.
It's 1973, and three young women choose different routes to survive in
their male dominated world.
Work is Roberta "Birdie" Alexander's inspiration. If she works long enough and hard enough, her father will love her as much as he loves her older brothers. In her Christian walk, Birdie approaches her relationship with her Heavenly Father in the same way.
So, in spite of the economic slowdown Birdie is determined their family business will both survive and thrive. She'll back up that promise with hard work, and Alexander's foliage will become the standard for the entire Ohio Valley. But Birdie's dad seems determined to marry her off.
How much will she risk to hold on to her own will and secret sin of self-righteousness? Will losing her job wake her up? Losing a lifelong friend? A brother? Or will it take losing the very presence of God?
Sara Brubaker is torn between two worlds. Two-years-old when an Old Order German Baptist couple adopted her, she's the secretary for Alexander's Nursery and Greenhouse. Sara enjoys the normal world of fun and fashion. Should she give it up and join the Dunkards to truly belong with her adoptive family?
The Anabaptist people dress so old fashioned. Does she really want to look ... Amish? Then she learns her parents have been keeping secrets. Sara's dad side-steps her questions. Was the deception deliberate?
Irene West, Birdie's lifelong Sunday school friend, misses having a father figure around ... where is he anyway? In her search for acceptance, her skirts get tighter and shorter. This causes Birdie to struggle with the friendship and Irene to struggle with life.
Birdie thinks it's her job to shame Irene into acting more like a Christian. Will Birdie overcome her self-righteous nature before it's too late ... for Irene?
Clinging to their friendships, the women struggle to find their identity in Christ. Can they forgive, and find the courage to grab hold of a new vision?
*Inspirational Fiction at its finest, Dreaming of A Father's Love includes bonus reader group questions.
This was such a great book I miss reading it! Go here for my review of Sharon's book.
Sharon Lavy writes for a woman's encouragement that her opinions are worthwhile. Her dreams are worthwhile. She is worthwhile, and worthy of love.
Work is Roberta "Birdie" Alexander's inspiration. If she works long enough and hard enough, her father will love her as much as he loves her older brothers. In her Christian walk, Birdie approaches her relationship with her Heavenly Father in the same way.
So, in spite of the economic slowdown Birdie is determined their family business will both survive and thrive. She'll back up that promise with hard work, and Alexander's foliage will become the standard for the entire Ohio Valley. But Birdie's dad seems determined to marry her off.
How much will she risk to hold on to her own will and secret sin of self-righteousness? Will losing her job wake her up? Losing a lifelong friend? A brother? Or will it take losing the very presence of God?
Sara Brubaker is torn between two worlds. Two-years-old when an Old Order German Baptist couple adopted her, she's the secretary for Alexander's Nursery and Greenhouse. Sara enjoys the normal world of fun and fashion. Should she give it up and join the Dunkards to truly belong with her adoptive family?
The Anabaptist people dress so old fashioned. Does she really want to look ... Amish? Then she learns her parents have been keeping secrets. Sara's dad side-steps her questions. Was the deception deliberate?
Irene West, Birdie's lifelong Sunday school friend, misses having a father figure around ... where is he anyway? In her search for acceptance, her skirts get tighter and shorter. This causes Birdie to struggle with the friendship and Irene to struggle with life.
Birdie thinks it's her job to shame Irene into acting more like a Christian. Will Birdie overcome her self-righteous nature before it's too late ... for Irene?
Clinging to their friendships, the women struggle to find their identity in Christ. Can they forgive, and find the courage to grab hold of a new vision?
*Inspirational Fiction at its finest, Dreaming of A Father's Love includes bonus reader group questions.
This was such a great book I miss reading it! Go here for my review of Sharon's book.
Sharon Lavy writes for a woman's encouragement that her opinions are worthwhile. Her dreams are worthwhile. She is worthwhile, and worthy of love.
Sharon's Website:
Go To Dreaming of a Father's Love: A Tale From the Ohio Valley
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Christian Fiction Book, An Interview With Lucifer
Author Eddie Cruz's An Interview With Lucifer
This is a book that should be read by all Christians as it will make them re-evaluate their lives and how they can be more faithful in their everyday living. But where this book will find it’s true mark is with the unbeliever or doubter as it will surely give them thoughts to ponder, realities to dwell upon and many profound questions that can be answered by this brilliantly written book, An Interview With Lucifer.
The fictional interview takes place in Madison Square Garden in the present day. It's televised but the stadium is packed to capacity and the interview will be televised around the world. On stage there are two participants, the interviewer and Lucifer. The interviewer and later the audience ask questions of the devil who agrees to answer them truthfully "most of the time."
The story starts slowly with Lucifer being a little intimidated but as the interview continues he gets bolder and more powerful with his answers. The audience mostly believes that this is a hoax and that a man is playing the part of Lucifer. When unbelievers ask questions Lucifer is arrogant and happy, letting them know it's OKAY not to believe in him, and better yet, if they don't believe in God or Jesus. As he says, there are only two choices, for man will surly die and then his life decisions will determine where his soul will go for eternity.
The devil says that he is happy if you don't believe in him, because then you don't believe in Jesus so your soul will go to hell. When a true believer from the audience questions the devil he becomes agitated and has them thrown out of the stadium. As the interview continues it becomes apparent the devil has a greater motive than just to inform humans of his goals, but I have to say the ending left me with a very real feeling that the deceiver is always after us and our very souls are at stake.
I believe the main purpose of An Interview With Lucifer is to get people’s attention for following Jesus Christ and to read God’s Word so they will not be diverted from living it and spending eternity with God in heaven.
Go here for my book Review of An Interview With Lucifer.
Christian Fiction Book, An Interview With Lucifer
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Romantic Suspense Novel Hush Little Baby
Romantic Suspense Novel by Deborah M. Piccurelli

No matter what, her goal is to expose the doctor responsible for fetal harvesting. She begins dating him for the sake of her cover, but nothing prepares her for what is behind a mysterious door in his office.
This exciting romantic novel begins with an aura of suspense which continues throughout the book! It's a story of love, loyalty and strong convictions that take the main character on the most dangerous journey of her young life.
Book Genre: Romantic Suspense Novel
Go Here For My Complete Review of Hush Little Baby Review